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Ford Motor Company and Ford Motor Credit Company today announced they are taking on the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Partnership Challenge of the Congressional Bipartisan HBCU Caucus.
As robots and autonomous systems are poised to become part of our everyday lives, the University of Michigan and Ford Motor Company are opening a one-of-a-kind facility where they’ll develop robots and roboticists that help make lives better, keep people safe and build a more equitable society.
Ford Motor Company announces the appointment of Brett Wheatley as chief executive officer of TransLoc, a transportation software solutions company that’s part of the Ford Mobility portfolio.
Every trip a driver makes can reveal important digital clues to fleet operators about how their vehicles are being used, unlocking insights to improve employee performance and vehicle health.
Ford Fund, Delta Dental, Kare Mobile and Lightship Foundation join forces to provide a mobile dental office and business opportunity to a dentist willing to work in low-income communities.
Too often, underrepresented students simply don’t receive the resources, guidance and level of support needed to aide their pursuit of a successful STEM career.
Ford is donating more than 40 laptops to the Girls in Engineering Academy, in an effort to support underserved students in the program and boost their education in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) subjects.